
Chris Reason – ‘The Bishop of Broome’






All Media: Investigative Journalism

Chris Reason’s series of stories about Bishop of Broome Christopher Saunders, accused of historical sex offences dating back decades, drove both Church and state to act.

Reason’s relentless four-year investigation began with a tip-off from a whistleblower priest in February 2020. Reason spent weeks travelling as a lone videojournalist across the vast Broome diocese gathering evidence, earning the trust of victims and clergy who alleged Saunders had repeatedly used his power and position to target young Indigenous males. Former Church staff shared financial records alleging Church funds were used to groom his alleged victims.

Reason obtained a leaked copy of the 200-page report from the Papal Vos Estis inquiry ordered into the case by Pope Francis in 2022 and presented to the Vatican in 2023. Reason’s resulting week-long series
of stories revealed Saunders was suspected of raping four young victims and grooming 67 more. There were also allegations of drug supply, gun crime and fraud.

The Church was forced to hand the report to police, who re-opened their investigation. The bishop was arrested in February 2024 and charged with at least 26 sex crimes. The case is currently before the courts. Saunders has pleaded not guilty.

Chris Reason is chief reporter for Seven News. In three decades with Seven, he has reported on some of the biggest news events of our times. Winning two Walkley Awards this year brings his collection to five.

Judges’ comments:

“‘The Bishop of Broome’ is reporting in the best traditions of investigative journalism – a four-year investigation with shocking allegations of grooming, sexual assault and fraud by a Catholic bishop in remote Western Australia. Refusing to accept the stalled inquiries by the state police and the Catholic Church, Chris Reason pursued the story and scored an exclusive international scoop – a highly secretive 200-page Vatican report – and forced the police and the Church to act.”

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