
Matthew Davis – ‘From the high Arcticto the hustle of Seoul


ABC, Foreign Correspondent




Television/Video: Camerawork

Matthew Davis worked as a solo camera operator and producer in one of the planet’s most isolated locations, Norway’s Arctic archipelago of Svalbard, capturing the epic landscapes that have become part of a tussle
for power between Russia and NATO nations.

Davis and reporter Stephanie March faced logistical challenges daily, but none more unpredictable than the Arctic weather. In harsh conditions, Davis had to rely on minimal gear (a mirrorless camera body, lens kit and drone),
at one point travelling eight hours while filming from a snowmobile.

For a 12-day shoot in Seoul, to report on the perils of historical adoption in South Korea, Davis relied on a pared-back kit to sensitively record intimate, emotional interviews. With a strong sense of place he visualised the contrast of a future-focused city with the character and culture of its past: using deliberate portraiture and slow-motion for this character-driven report.

Matt Davis is an award-winning journalist and filmmaker based at the ABC’s flagship international current affairs program Foreign Correspondent. Throughout the world’s metropolises and backwaters, Davis has worked on the front line of some of the world’s biggest stories for over a decade. He also won this category in 2023.

Judges’ comments:

“Matt Davis’s stunning drone footage transports viewers to the Arctic’s untouched landscapes, one of nature’s harshest yet most stunning environments. Shot with limited equipment, the footage shows his consummate skill as a frontline camera operator. Davis’s exceptional framing and use of natural light in Korea’s urban settings demonstrate his versatility and creativity.”