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Judith Neilson Institute Grant for Asian Journalism: Criteria


  • Focus on an under-reported issue or development that relates to one or more Asian countries (for the purposes of this grant, the Asia region comprises South Asia, East Asia and South East Asia. South East Asia includes Timor Leste but not Papua New Guinea) 
  • Originality and timeliness
  • Potential impact and newsworthiness
  • Proof that the applicant is able to produce high quality journalism (including research, investigation, accuracy, ethics and delivery by deadline) 
  • Excellence in written or verbal communication and/or technical/production skill


  • Innovation and creativity in storytelling through best use of formats for the project, including multimedia

About the grant

This grant offers up to $25,000 to assist one or more Australian freelance journalists to produce a significant work of journalism in any medium.

The work will give voice to Asian perspectives on an under-reported issue or development of importance to Australia and the region.

The judges are looking for original journalism with public interest value and impact – stories that surprise, educate and make a difference. The kind of stories that inspire news editors and audiences alike.

Who can apply?

Freelance journalists who are Australian residents or citizens. Applicants can enter as individuals or groups of up to three members (all freelance journalists).  

Applicants should

  • Give a brief outline of their project
  • Show they have a realistic understanding of the budget for their project and provide details with their application
  • Show they have in-principle support of a high-impact, mainstream platform to publish the work they produce as a result of this grant
  • Submit up to three examples of their work to support their application
  • Complete the budget template