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14 outstanding journalists from around Australia have been selected as the inaugural Our Watch Fellows. The journalists, from a wide range of backgrounds and media organisations, will attend a series of three retreats in February, March and June 2019. The Our Watch Fellowship program aims to build and refine the journalists’ knowledge of best practice reporting on violence against women and deepen their understanding of the complexities of the issue. The Our Watch Fellowship program is administered by the Walkley Foundation.

The successful fellows are:

  • Kylie Boltin, SBS
  • Liz Burke,
  • Dimity Clancey, A Current Affair, Nine
  • Maddison Connaughton, The Saturday Paper
  • Alison Dance, WIN News Central West
  • Nour Haydar, ABC
  • Ivy Jensen, The Riverine Herald
  • Sarah Malik, SBS
  • Sherele Moody, News Corp
  • Lauren Novak, The Advertiser
  • Gary Nunn, Freelance
  • Miki Perkins, The Age
  • Emma Race, ABC
  • Gina Rushton, Buzzfeed

CEO of Our Watch, Patty Kinnersly, said Our Watch was delighted by the far greater than expected number of applicants, and the high quality of those applying.

“This tells us that overwhelmingly the media wants the skills and knowledge to report on violence against women in ways that are responsible, ethical and sensitive. Most journalists understand that violence against women is a national crisis, and that the media can play a powerful role in highlighting the issue and informing the public conversation,” Ms Kinnersly said.

“We believe that most poor-practice reporting on the issue of violence against women is not done intentionally, rather it occurs because of legal queries, old habits and common misconceptions about what drives violence against women,” Ms Kinnersly said.

“The Fellowship retreats offer journalists the opportunity to share ideas with peers on how these hurdles can be overcome, hear from veteran journalists on this issue and talk to violence against women experts.”

Thanks to the selection committee:

  • Joanne Crawford, Fairfax Media
  • Loren Days, Our Watch
  • Moo Baulch, Domestic Violence NSW
  • Melvin Mansell, News Corp Australia
  • Annie White, ABC

If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault, family or domestic violence, call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit In an emergency, call 000

To access guides for reporting about violence against women and their children, visit:


Our Watch has been established to drive nation-wide change in the culture, behaviours and attitudes that underpin and create violence against women and children. Our vision is an Australia where women and their children live free from all forms of violence. Our mandate is to stop violence before it happens. Our purpose is to provide national leadership to prevent all forms of violence against women and their children. Our work will always be based on sound research and strong and diverse partnerships.

Media contact:  

  • Our Watch Senior Advisor, Media and Communications Clare Kermond, 0448 844 930/   
  • Walkley Foundation communications manager Clare Fletcher: 02 9333 0925 /